Sarkarov Amil'Sarkarov Amil', The post-graduate student of institute etnologic and anthropology of the Russian Academy of Science.
The lezghin language and its place in a linguistic pattern of the world.

The theory the put forward V.M.Illich-Svitychem about nostratichian to macrofamily has received development. According to this theory, language families existing now are united in macrofamilies, i.e. the relationship between separate language families is proved. First the macrofamily which included the following families has been selected{allocated} ностратическая: indoeuropian, Ural, Altay, dravidian and kartwelian. In the field of basic lexicon likeness between indoeuropian and kartwelskian languages is revealed. And abhaz-adygian and the nahsko-Dagestan languages (integrated in North Caucasian family) appeared in a composition сино-Caucasian (палеоевразиатской) macrofamilies in which have come besides them сино-Tibetan, on - дене and Yenisei families, also to it{her}, probably, concern isolated burishski (burushaski) and baskski languages.
Communications{Connections} North Caucasian and картвельских languages which genetic relationship is rejected, speaks the language union. Carriers картвельских and others (индоевропейских and Turkic) languages during the long neighbourhood have adopted many features and features naturally Caucasian (i.e. North Caucasian) languages. This influence was strengthened with processes of assimilation пришлыми (Caucasian) ethnic Groups автохтонного the population (in particular, in process этногенеза Armenians in their composition have come кавказоязычные the groups of the population lived in territory of modern of Armenia and northeast of Turkey).
For a long time the put forward hypotheses about relationship of the modern North Caucasian languages with the most ancient languages of Forward Asia have received serious confirmations. So, I.Djakonov and S.Starostin have detected over 100 blanket roots between хуррито-урартскими and the нахско-Dagestan languages that has shown doubtless relationship хурритского and урартского (which already in the third millenium up to н. э. Existed separately from each other) languages with the modern east - северо-кавказскими (нахско-Dagestan), it is especial with lezghin and вайнахскими. Dead хурритские (dialects or languages) and урартский the language also are included in the сино-Caucasian macrofamily, in a composition of North Caucasian family. One more dead language, separate which written monuments were maintained, is Albanian (or агванский, арранский) the language. Decryption of it{him} is extremely impeded because of a small amount of the retrieved archeologic materials. However, the majority of contributors уверены, that it{he} belongs to a lezghin subgroup of the нахско-Dagestan languages. The most probable hypothesis is closely related communication{connection} Albanian and удинского the language. The modern нахско-Dagestan or восточнокавказские languages, in opinion of lines of scientists, will derivate two separate offsets: нахские and the Dagestan languages. On other versions, нахские languages make a subgroup together with subgroups of the Dagestan languages
the Subgroup the Separate languages which are included in a subgroup
nahskaja Chechen, Ingush, bacbijskij
avaro-ando-cezskaja avarian; andijskie: andijskij, botlihskij, godoberinskij, karatinskij, ahvahskij, tindinskij, bagvalinskij, chamalinskij; cezskie: cezskij, hvarshinskij, ginuhskij, bezhtinskij, gunzibskij
lakskaja lakskij
darginskaja darginskij
lezghin lezghin, tabasaranskij, agul'skij, rutul'skij, cahurskij, archinskij, kryzskij, buduhskij, udinskij
hinalugskaja hinalugskij
In the scientific literature lakskij and darginskij languages are quite often united in so-called laksko-darginskuju a subgroup, and hinalugskij the language is ranked as a lezghin subgroup, in the past for limits of a lezghin subgroup were output archinskij and udinskij languages. obschevostochnokavkazskogo languages - bottoms linguists carry a decay time to the extremity{end} of III millenium up to AD, being grounded on the data leksikostatistiki, and also comparing with the linguistic data with archeologic materials. Figure, for example, that presence obschedagestanskih names of gold and argentum (but lack{absence} of the name of iron) allows to attribute{relate} a divergency of the Dagestan linguistic community to an early step of a bronze age.
The modern classification of lezghin languages builded to genetic tags (as against earlier, based practically on geographical tags) divides this subgroup into the following branches:
east - lezghin lezghin, tabasaranskij and agul'skij
rutul'sko-cahurskaja rutul'skij, cahurskij
shahdagskaja kryzskij, buduhskij
archinskaja archincy
udinskaja udinskij
As to hinalugskogo the language traditionally joining in a composition of lezghin languages his{its} accessories to them it is rather doubtful. A lot of innovations, the reference for lezghin languages, in it{him} miss. Available specific hinalugsko-lezghin izoglossy are stipulated by the considerable influence lezghin and shahdagskih languages. Nevertheless, hinalugskij the language closely adjoins to a lezghin subgroup and finds out with it{her} the greatest closeness. It{he} before all was separated from obschelezginskogo the language of a bottom{basis}. Existing close integratings of the listed above branches allows to speak about separate obschnostjah: samurskoj (in a composition east and western - lezghin branches), "jih'isko-Albanian" (western and southern - lezghin branches), and also a generality joining rutul'skij, cahurskij and udinskij languages. On the data glottohronologii the model filiacii lezghin languages is represented as follows:
Thus, in IX century up to AD from other lezghin languages it was separated udinskij the language. In VI century up to AD there is a formation of other four branches of a lezghin subgroup, from now on is isolated archinskij the language. In III century up to AD there is a partitioning the western - lezghin language on rutul'skij and cahurskij, and also lezghin and "tabasaransko-agul'skogo". And with X century AD figure as separate tabasaranskij and agul'skij, both kryzskij and buduhskij languages.

  1. I.M. D'jakonov, S.A. Starostin. Hurrito-urartskie i vostochno-kavkazskie jazyki. // Drevnij Vostok: etnokul'turnye svjazi… LXXX M., 1988.
  2. G.A. Klimov. Kavkazskie jazyki. // Jazyki mira: Kavkazskie jazyki. M.: Academia, 2001.
  3. S.A. Starostin. Severokavkazskie jazyki. // Jazyki mira: Kavkazskie jazyki. M.: Academia, 2001.
  4. M.E. Alekseev. Nahsko-dagestanskie jazyki. // Jazyki mira: Kavkazskie jazyki. M.: Academia, 2001.
  5. M.E. Alekseev. Lezginskie jazyki. // Jazyki mira: Kavkazskie jazyki. M.: Academia, 2001
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